18 January 2013

The New String

Kala itu hujan turun tak seperti biasa, jemarimu genggam erat tanganku saat kita saling bercanda mesra dibawah teduh rumah yang kita singgahi. Kau tersenyum seolah tak mengerti keadaan kita yang sedang basah kuyup tanpa jas hujan yang menghalangi kita dari hujan. Tak kusangka semakin aku dekat denganmu aku merasa nyaman dengan canda tawa bahagiamu, saat ku serasa mulai meragukan kenapa aku bisa ada di dunia ini, saat itulah aku tahu bahwa aku lahir karna aku ditakdirkan bertemu denganmu, untuk mencintamu di sepanjang hidupku….i want say i love you everyday until i can’t say anything again…until the end of my life..

At that time it was raining there as usual, your fingers tightly handheld my hand when we are joking with each other under the shade loving home we stopped. Your smile as if not understanding our circumstances without  ​​drenched raincoat that keeps us from over the rain. I never thought getting me closer to you I feel comfortable with your happiness laughter, when I seemed to begin to doubt why I can exist in this world, that’s when I knew that I was born because I was meant to meet you, to love you from all my life …. i want say i love you everyday until i can not say anything again … until the end of my life ..
- Agitow Blinkerz -

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